Plist version 3.1.0 released!

23 Feb 2010

I’m pleased to announce that Plist v3.1.0 has been released. This update brings us into the modern age: we now support Ruby 1.9.×. It also marks our move to GitHub.

Plist is a library to manipulate Property List files. It supports both reading and writing plists in XML format. To install:

gem install plist

I know that we (mostly me, honestly) have been horribly remiss in updating Plist. In fact, I’ve been sitting on at least one patch for nearly three years.

That patch, by Hongli Lai, adds Ruby 1.9 support. Similar patches were contributed by Carsten Bormann, Chris Hoffman, Dana Contreras, and Johan Sørensen. I’ve possibly missed some names; please email me and I’ll fix it straight away.

As I mentioned before, we’ve also moved to GitHub. Please direct bug reports and feature requests to our GitHub Issues dingus. Patches are welcome, and if they show up in the fork queue, all the better.

As before, the API documentation lives at RubyForge, at We’re also hooked into, which ought to update whenever we push. And while we’re talking about goofy interweb services, check out our code metrics on Caliper. Warning: they’re not great.

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